The project
The project, Great Women’s Historical-Geographical Atlas
Scientists, artists, literates, activists and entrepreneurs of every place and time.
Scientists and scholars of every age and place, Great Women who have contributed to the development of knowledge and progress and to improve our lives.
We seek and disseminate the lives and contributions of GrandiDonne scientists, literates, artists and prominent women in every activity since ancient times, of all continents and of every culture and identity.
The memory of many of them has been deliberately obscured.
We want to help reduce the gender gap that is still too present in science and in every other discipline and activity.
It’s reasonably supported by research that science is unappreciated by girls even for too masculine representation.
GrandiDonne - Great Women is promoted by: Integronomia ergonomics and sustainability, with the collaboration of INBB Istituto Nazionale Biostrutture e Biosistemi Consorzio Interuniversitario, Ergolab Unitus near presso Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali DAFNE. FEI, Federazione Esperantista Italiana, participates in the project.